On today’s episode of American gypC Podcast we have the pleasure of talking to Marques Ogden about his journey to success. Marques Ogden is a retired NFL player, an inspirational keynote speaker, executive coach, and best-selling author. Born and raised in Washington, DC. Attended Howard university and graduated with a degree in business finance and was drafted in the NFL in 2003.
Married to wife Bonnie, has a step-daughter Ava (16 yrs) and daughter Farrah (5 yrs) and they reside in Raleigh, North Carolina. Marques is currently a National/International Keynote Speaker, Executive Business Coach, Business Consultant and Best Selling Author.
Retired after 5 years to pursue a career in construction and contracting. Age of 27, Marques founded Kayden Premier Enterprises and in 2010, Marques won The African American Subcontractor of the Year Award in the state of Maryland. Though he soon went bankrupt, losing almost 2 million dollars on one project in a matter of 90 days.
During his darkest hours, Marques pulled himself together, got a part-time job as a custodian and with hard work and determination became an inspirational keynote speaker, executive coach, best-selling author and marketing leader, helping to build the success of others. We found his extreme humbleness and brutal honesty incredibly inspirational.
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