On today’s episode of American gypC Podcast we had the pleasure of talking to Steve Lawrence about the concepts of meditative psychology. Steven is the director of The One-Pointed Mind (OPM) a workshop for educators on concepts surrounding meditative psychology and the implications they hold for optimizing human development.
For the past twelve years, Steve has lived and taught in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and China. Upon deciding to become an international teacher Steve attended The College of Saint Rose, with a focus in Social Studies Education. Since then, he has acquired his master’s degree in education. Steve is currently completing the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Saybrook University.
Prior to becoming a teacher, Steve was introduced to meditation by Leonard Perlmutter, and the American Meditation Institute in Upstate New York. Once a teacher it was clear how meditative practices belong in education; Steve immediately set out to share these ideas with his students and colleagues. Since then, The One-Pointed Mind Workshops have grown to include a range of topics, being shared in teaching workshops in seven countries and thirteen schools.
Guest Link: https://www.theonepointedmind.net/
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